Moving and repairing the structure

When I arrived in today, one of the caretakers came to find me, to tell me apologetically that the night before he had to move my installation. I’d asked before if I could leave the access door propped open which had been okayed, so I built the installation close to the door so I only needed a small corridor to block off the studio. However, when locking up the alarm would not set, and it turned out the access door has a sensor on it, and had to be closed. To do so three of the boards had been pushed forwards to allow the door to close, which meant the tape had been ripped, the walls were no longer circular; relying on the correct angles and the floor was slightly damaged. This is no fault of the caretakers, and they were very sorry; it’s just one of those things. They did their best not to disturb the installation, so there’s no problem there. It meant however, that due to the angles being incorrect, the entire installation had to be moved, which meant removing all the tape I had painted the previous day. With the help of Vickram I moved the whole structure, retaped and repainted. Where the floor had been painted previously to blend with the tape there was now a clear line where the tape had been removed, so a larger portion of the floor has been painted to make the difference up. A new centre point also now needs calculating. A very frustrating day, but at least it happened now rather then next week. It’s back to where it was previously now, and there is little noticeable difference.

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