About the roof

– To block out light, I’ve been trying various tactics; however none have been aesthetically placing from the inside. The use of a large sheet of blue tarpaulin made the installation darker, however filtered the light to a shade of blue, even when large offcuts of black backdrop paper from the photography department were placed on top. I also tried to use 8 x 4 ft polystyrene reflectors from the studios, positioned over the top, propped up with spare beams of wood bridging the gap between the walls and the centre panel. All these make shift experiments have made it abundantly clear that I will need to create a real roof structure to have a successful, professional finish. To do so, a set of 4 2.4m square frames will be attached together, and covered with a suitable material, which will be painted black. I’ve been trying to find black membrane from builders merchants in this size and black colour, however to no avail. Other shortlisted possible solutions are foam, cardboard, black tarpaulin and thick paper. All of these can be fixed to the top of the beams. I will not be testing the roof however, as once it is made, the fabric will be unattachable, and the roof will be too big to transport.

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