Method of abstracting binary

Still unhappy with the method of abstracting the binary code, I am using Maya I can recreate the turbulence within the original painting by Turner, and emit particles in the same direction and motion as the paint strokes. Each particle is either a 1 or a 0, with the amount of each dictated by the binary input from the photograph of the same scene I took in Margate. The amount of particles emitted is controlled, so the scene is made up of the same number of binary numbers. The effect produced is abstract in itself, however two levels of turbulent displacement create a more storm like effect. The final animation is abstract, however with occasional viewable binary gives the viewer a reference point. Due to the speed of movement however, it is impossible to follow, moving the image into the unfathomable. I feel this output is the most complete so far. It utilises digital technology, recreates the power of the natural sublime in a way which is not just imitation, and has a working methodology which relates directly to the goal of evoking a sublime state. The following images show the methodology in four steps. The first demonstrates the motion of the original painting. The second is the emission of particles, assigned with the binary from the photograph, from the key areas. The next image is the final render, with added turbulence, distorting slightly more. The final image is the final output overlaid so it can be contrasted with the original painting.

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